Join INTOO on 15th May for our next Southern HR Leaders Forum when we will discuss the ever growing talent shortage and steps we can take to proactively manage challenges.

Join INTOO on 15th May for our next Southern HR Leaders Forum when we will discuss the ever growing talent shortage and steps we can take to proactively manage challenges.
Join us on 28th March for a breakfast roundtable hosted by Marks Sattin in partnership with Seddons solicitors, where we will be discussing physical and mental health at work
Join INTOO on Thursday 21st March for our London HR Connection event when we will discuss Brexit planning with the help of our expert speakers
Join INTOO on 27th Feb for our next London HR Leaders Forum when we will discuss the ever growing talent shortage and steps we can take to proactively manage challenges.
Join INTOO on 26th Feb for the next London HR Connection event when Nebel Crowhurst, Head of People Experience at River island, will discuss new technologies being used to support team based agile working.
Join INTOO on Tuesday 22nd January for the first London HR Connection event of 2019 when BP’s Laura Hammett will discuss the important topic of employee voice
Join us for our next Midlands Senior HR Forum where we will discuss how organisations, and specifically HR need to be ready for a post-Brexit age
Join INTOO on Wednesday 12th September for the next London HR Connection event
Join us on 25th September for an event focussed on our ‘multiple brains’ and how they can be leveraged to thrive in highly pressurised, overwhelming situations.
Join INTOO on Thursday 21st June for the next London HR Connection event
Join us for our next London HR Forum where we will focus on how to develop leadership in the creative industry whilst still allowing individual creativity to flourish
Join INTOO on Wednesday 16th May for the next London HR Connection event
Join INTOO on Thursday 19th April for the next London HR connection event
Join us at our next Midlands HR Forum where we will discuss the broad, but ever current topic of employee engagement
Join us at our next London HR Forum where we will explore how senior HR professionals can be better prepared to hold difficult conversations with senior executives
Learn more about INTOO’s solution in action.