How can AI benefit L&D?

Originally published at HRreview by Amelia Brand

In a recent report by OC&C Strategy Consultants, nearly half of the surveyed organisations indicated that they believe artificial intelligence (AI) will fundamentally revolutionise the delivery of training.

The report highlights how AI can be seamlessly integrated into learning and development (L&D) practices, with 43 percent of respondents confident in AI’s transformative potential for training programs.

The report outlines several key benefits of AI in L&D, including personalised learning journeys, cost-effective content creation, and the facilitation of more interactive training formats.

While over 40 percent of those surveyed feel that AI-driven insights can lead to fairer and more objective employee assessments, there remains some scepticism, particularly among non-users.

However, the data shows a significant difference in attitude between current and non-users of AI: 29 percent of current AI users are keen to further adopt AI solutions, compared to just 13 percent of non-users.

Improved results are reported

Pedro Sanches, a partner at OC&C Strategy Consultants, elaborates on the findings: “Our research reveals that despite some skepticism, 55 percent of current AI users report improved results within their organisations, with another 55 percent noting enhanced data insights.”

The survey of 600 senior HR professionals found that almost half believe AI solutions have improved administrative efficiency, while 39 percent claimed that AI provided a more personalised learning experience for employees. This suggests that organisations stand to gain significantly by integrating AI into their L&D practices.

Experts from the global consultancy firm observed several use cases where AI is currently being leveraged by L&D providers, including:

Personalised Learning Experiences and Content Tailoring Organisations are employing AI to create tailored learning experiences that meet the unique needs of each team member, making the learning process more engaging and efficient.

Virtual Coaching Real-time virtual tutors or chatbots are being used to facilitate interactive learning sessions, enhancing employee engagement with training materials.

Data, Insight, and Measurement AI is enabling HR leaders to analyse the impact of L&D initiatives by correlating data with business performance metrics, providing clear and efficient reporting on organisational goals.

Aid in Content Authoring L&D teams are using AI, particularly large language models (LLMs), to quickly develop curriculum outlines, implementation plans, and communications.

Pedro Sanches concludes, “While there are concerns regarding data privacy and additional costs, our ‘Training Transformed’ report shows that AI can make corporate training processes more effective, efficient, tailored, and engaging. Companies like Duolingo, Axonify, and Realize It are already exploring AI applications, which many L&D buyers believe will give them a competitive edge in the future. Our experts are ready to help leaders navigate the rapidly evolving L&D landscape.”

The report suggests that as organisations continue to adopt AI, they can expect significant advancements in their training capabilities, positioning themselves for greater success in the competitive market.
