In our ongoing search for ‘talent’ and ‘developing talent’, are we at risk of overlooking the less glamorous but proven attributes of sheer hard work and effort? Where are you focusing your talent development activities? There is frequent discussion around...
Brexit. There is no getting away from it. As the UK sits in a state of limbo awaiting an outcome, be that ‘no deal’, ‘deal’, another referendum or scrap the whole thing completely and remain, one thing is certain, the longer it takes to resolve the situation, the...
Let’s face it most people welcome the opportunity to advance their careers. Whether adopting a cunning strategy to map out a route to the top; have been ‘tapped on the shoulder’ or, as with the majority of cases, have simply worked hard and have applied for a more...
In our last blog we discussed the need to spend time identifying the factors driving your decision to change roles; and whether leaving a company for pastures new would provide the desired outcome. If after reflecting you’ve arrived at the conclusion that a change is...
If you find yourself, like many others at this time of year, thinking about the future and what you want to achieve, most notably in relation to your career, you’re not alone. Despite the uncertainty of Brexit and other global events, up to 30% of employees are...