According to Bersin by Deloitte, ‘Organisations with senior leaders who coach effectively and frequently, improve their business results by 21% as compared to those who never coach.’ Coaching, therefore, should not just be ‘nice to have’, more an indispensable part of...
In our current age of rapid change, strong leadership skills have never been more valuable. Many words come to mind when thinking of an ideal leader: rational, logical, decisive, single-minded. But how true is this ideal image? The latest findings from neuroscience...
What do Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, Richard Branson and a host of other successful business people all have in common? Aside, that is, from having been the face of some of the world’s most prominent brands? The answer: they are all advocates of coaching. The prominence of...
As increasing numbers of Baby Boomers retire, their former leadership roles are being filled by a new generation of leaders. Quite literally in some cases, leadership has skipped over Generation X and has anointed individuals from Generation Y to strategic roles. Why?...
Theresa May is committed to making significant changes with regard to corporate governance. Possibly the most controversial aspect of these plans is to push companies to appoint representatives from amongst the broader workforce to the Board. The argument has raged...