Ben Franklin once said that “…it takes many good deeds to build a good reputation, and only one bad one to lose it’’. True words that are just as relevant now as when they were written nearly 250 years ago. Any employer going through change – and at the...
We all have the innate ability to lead, however, whilst some leaders have learned to harness these traits during difficult or challenging times others struggle to make an impact or to be effective under the same circumstances. There is a peculiar aspect of ‘change’...
Resilience is the ability to bounce back during difficult times. There is no doubting that lock-down during the Covid-19 crisis is a difficult time. Many people are worried for their welfare and for that of their family and friends and many more are struggling with...
As the UK enters a new phase of activity linked to the Coronavirus (Covid 19), employers are increasingly coming under pressure to ensure that the health and safety of their staff is at the forefront of contingency planning. With increased numbers of workers now being...
Organisational change is unavoidable, whether it be as a result of the changing economic climate, uncertainty surrounding Brexit or a company-wide shake up. As humans, we are programmed to fear the unknown, and the potential perceived threats brought about by...