Transitioning from one career to another can be quite overwhelming, especially when it’s due to a sudden redundancy. As a Human Resources Director or Manager, you are responsible for ensuring that your employees’ transition is smooth and successful. That’s where...
Career Development is highly desired by Employees which is not news. What you may not know is just how dependent employee loyalty is on whether or not they get support with their development. Our research suggests, many employees feel that neither their managers nor...
The Private Equity (PE) sector is widely misunderstood, conjuring up images of corporate greed and financiers several stepsremoved from the employees in the businesses they invest in. That’s unfair; any functioning economy needs some form of private investment – if...
Change isn’t just inevitable – it’s a catalyst for growth and success. Whether you’re dealing with technological advancements, organisational restructuring, or shifts in market dynamics, change can disrupt daily routines and create uncertainty....
Brexit, new Tariffs, Changing Regulations, Cost Volatility. The Property & Construction sector is always transforming, with radical changes often hitting the industry with little to no warning. Even before the coronavirus crisis, the Property & Construction...