INTOO USA is proud to be Certified™ by Great Place to Work® for 2022. The prestigious award is based on anonymous feedback from our current employees. This year, 89% of employees said it’s a great place to work—32 points higher than the average U.S. company. Great...
When the nation’s job vacancies seemingly outnumber those unemployed, outplacement can be perceived as an unnecessary benefit. So is outplacement worth it? Its importance depends on what your company hopes to get out of offering it as a part of severance. Is...
Welcome to our summary of August best reads on HR trends! This month, quiet quitting and employee monitoring were hot topics in the HR industry. HR Trends for August 2022 Quiet quitting: a misnomer for how some workers are reacting to burnout What it is: The concept...
Employee surveys have become a popular method for employers to demonstrate their interest in their employees’ concerns. But if no actions are taken as a result of the learnings, your survey efforts will have little benefit and could even have negative consequences. So...