Key Points The way employers conduct layoffs and furloughs during this pandemic will define their brand perception for years to come.Strategic, smart use of virtual tools that offer secure and reliable video conferencing capabilities can allow HR leaders to conduct...
How do you fit 13 years of work into a tiny section of a resume? That’s what Elizabeth Ramirez wondered when she was laid off from her longtime marketing position at a multinational agricultural company. “I’m not going to lie, I was a little scared,” Elizabeth...
How can HR leaders manage new workplace issues that are arising as a result of the coronavirus? What are the most effective ways to bring leadership onboard crisis communications plans? Is there a best practice for sharing operational updates during a time of change?...
The stock market has taken major hits in the last weeks due to the effects of the coronavirus, which has economists discussing just how bad this downturn could get. In fact, some experts say the U.S. is already in a recession—or is soon to be in one. How can you...
Layoffs are one of the most challenging topics for job seekers to talk about during a job interview. The prospect of addressing past job loss brings up many urgent questions for candidates: Should I bring it up? How much detail should I go into? What can I say to...