While companies are not required by federal law to provide severance pay to terminated employees, many voluntarily choose to do so. This brings up a crucial question for HR experts: how is this type of pay calculated? How Is Severance Pay Calculated? If your company...
While companies are not required by federal law to provide severance pay, offering a severance package is one way to better ensure an amicable split with departing employees. Severances packages generally include a continuation of pay for a period of time after...
When employees leave a company, they are entitled to receive regular wages for time worked, plus compensation for accrued vacation time. Beyond that, companies aren’t required by law to provide additional benefits like severance pay, unless promised in an employee...
When HR professionals talk about communicating layoffs, the discussion generally centers around breaking the news to departing employees. Letting someone know they no longer have a job is no easy task, which is why guides and webinars on compassionate offboarding...
When a company conducts a layoff, a lot of attention is given to the employees who are leaving the company. They are, after all, the ones who have lost their jobs. From looking for a new source of income to managing a myriad of emotions, employees who are laid off...