When unemployment rates are low, companies often place their focus on attracting new hires, not on preparing for potential layoffs. That means some companies put off investing in important employee benefits that are often associated with reductions in force—such as...
Is it possible to show employees you care about them—even during layoffs? Can your company let go of employees—without triggering angry reviews on Glassdoor? How do you protect your brand reputation—in the midst of a reduction-in-force? These types of questions may...
Companies offer severance packages to outgoing employees for good reason. Not only do the packages help employees as they transition to new positions, but they also benefit the company by helping to reduce the risk of lawsuits, lower unemployment costs, and protect...
Most HR professionals know outplacement assistance is often offered to employees who are laid off or terminated as a part of their severance package. However, because not all organizations have gone through a reduction in force or other major workforce shift, not all...
An employee exit is a difficult situation to navigate, whether you’re the employer or employee. Employers have to find replacements or manage the backlash of a layoff, and recently separated employees need to find new positions. An employee who has been let go...